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Research Interest

My research focuses on enhancing equity in K-12 science education, particularly within middle grades, by examining ways to support and advance Black girls in STEM. I am interested in exploring the impact of community-based informal science programs and the role of curriculum in promoting equitable science teaching and learning experiences. Using qualitative research methods, I aim to uncover how these educational practices can be designed to foster a more inclusive environment and encourage meaningful engagement in science for underrepresented students.

The Team

King Collaborative.png

Black Girl Stem Brilliance

An initiative to inspire young Black girls about STEM.

Educational Development

STEM Activities


IAM Stem

I AM STEM Camps are eight-week enrichment programs designed to enhance access, equity, and diversity in STEM education for underrepresented populations by integrating technology, engineering, and mathematics into the curriculum while fostering cultural practices and preventing summer learning loss.

High quality STEM projects

Field Trips

Participatory Learning

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